Clarity in your Closet

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Wardrobe Consultant Toronto

As the sun tempts the blossoms to come out from hiding, I feel a craving for everything fresh and jovial! You could set it to a clock. Spring is in the air!

You head to your closet to find that perfect little something to celebrate the banishment of heavy layers, but apparently your wardrobe missed the memo.

  • If the change of seasons brings headaches as you enter your closet, read on!
  • If you could use a few tried and true tips to help you ‘spring clean’ your wardrobe, I’ve got them!
  • If you have a lot of clothes but don’t know how to make them into ready-to-wear ensembles, don’t give up, there’s help! 
  • If you could use a little ‘wardrobe planning 101’ to focus your purchases and save money, the price of admission is well worth it!
  • If you take more than 3 minutes to decide what to wear in the morning, this workshop is definitely for you!
  • If your closet has no semblance of organization, with seasons, colours, and styles all partying together…pppllleassse let me help!
  • If you want to start each day off right with clarity and confidence as you get dressed, sign up now!
Date: Saturday April 20th, 2013
Time: 1-3pm
Location: The Clarity Centre at 245 Wyecroft Road, Unit 2, Oakville, ON L6K 3Y6
Sign-up: Contact the Clarity Centre by phone: (905) 849-6868 or email: [email protected]

Fee: $40 and bring a friend for FREE
Materials: Handouts provided.